Cake boss, nuns, and murder

Date: 9/17/2019

By flattreelessplain

I find out that a series of murders have been carried out by the former lovers of the “Cake Boss”, Buddy Valastro. I learn that one of them, a nun, was my mother. At some point, the Cake Boss disappears behind a fridge in a restaurant that isn’t his, and returns with a clear plastic cup of liquid, in which a dead cockroach is suspended. There is also a single cockroach leg in the liquid, which either Buddy or the chef who owns the restaurant comments that the legs are often mistaken for eyes. At another point, a muscular guy— who is called “Hulk” and has a blonde buzz cut—appears, but when it is pointed out that he is bleeding profusely through his white shirt, he dismisses this in order to tell me and another listener the story about the murders committed by the Cake Boss’ former lovers.