Date: 5/20/2018

By russiakun

So I woke up in the middle of the night, and decided to watch Deadpool for the first time. I did that, and decided to go the sleep (Lying on my back). As I’m falling asleep, I began to feel more and more tired and began seeing images emerge. The image that arose was me in a kind of military warehouse, kinda like one at Dusty Depot in Fortnite. Outside, I could hear what sounded like a tornado or some catastrophic event happening behind me. I wasn’t effected at all, until the ground beneath me started to tilt backwards from under me. Now the warehouse was on its side, with a swirling vortex in the opening below me. I somehow managed to move to one of the structures at the “top” of the warehouse, wrapped my around around one the them, and began holding on for dear life. I could feel myself being thrashed about by the storm/vortex beneath me. I looked down to see the vortex below me, when a thought crosses my mind. I had known this was a dream the entire time! I remained calm, but I was still excited that I had managed to become lucid again. I looked back down at the vortex, and let go of the ceiling structures. As I looked into it, falling, I tried to imagine something else, but no concrete thoughts arose. I tried really really hard, but the vision began to distort and break away. I began to get out of the dream. I could feel the landscape before me turning to darkness. As this was happening, I could hear 2 female voices to my right. At first I thought talking about me, but they were talking as if they were at a cafe or something like that. IIRC, I had a feeling of trying to move, but couldn’t. Eventually, when I slowly woke up, the 2 female voices faded, and I was awake, looking to my right. The dream had ended. During the entire dream, I didn’t feel scared or anxious. Just neutral at the events before me. I didn’t try to perform a reality check during the dream, it didn’t cross my mind at all. I wasn’t scared of the 2 female voices as I was waking up, just aware that they were there. This has been my first lucid experience in a long time, so I’m super excited to try again!