Gabbi’s Cool Shower

Date: 6/3/2019

By DreamWeirdo

I was in the middle of figuring out how to get into this persons phone to get on Grindr at Gabbi’s house. I typed in some numbers and got in to the device and began to realize that this person was someone that I already talked to on Grindr and he didn’t respond to me. I was looking through all of his nasty photos on his phone and he walked in the room as I did that. He was fine. I put his phone in my pocket and he didn’t mention a thing to me because he was really high. I left to go hide in he bathroom because I had to figure out how to change back his profile photo. I was getting frustrated. There was someone who walked in the door and he was super bloody. Like the blood was burnt in all over him. He wanted to see if anybody wanted to do heroin. I wanted to fuck the guy who’s phone was in my pocket. Gabbi was around somewhere. I went downstairs outside to her parents outdoor shower. I knew that I needed to douche and there was a water bottle near by so I could use that to hose out whatever was in my asshole. Gabbi was with me trying to show me all of the cool shit that was hooked up to her outdoor shower. It heated and I guess it was private but I noticed that the house we were at was close to my childhood house. Her mom came out of nowhere and showed me more things about the shower. I ended up putting some photo in his phone and placing his phone down so I could leave. I then, went to the movies with Gordon. I was able to somehow, levitate into these movies that were being offered in the theatre. I passed out as I was trying to levitate Gordon and I to the elevator of this scene we were in to try to avoid this scene. I woke up