I bet you can’t analyze this dream.

Date: 8/8/2018

By KawaiiVixen09

I started off in a mall, it was the west ed mall. I was in a candle shop on the upper floor. Then I was in my old math class room. Our job was to make a car and a cloud. I messed up the materials and some one pointed it out last second. I excused my self. Then I was Homer Simpson. I was in a field, and I stumbled upon a KFC. I ran up to it and started eating. Their was a KFC claw machine!! But The owner kicked me out. Turned out I was banned from all fast food joints and I was upset. Later that night I went to the KFC again. It was apparently also a house, so I snooped around. I grabbed some KFC and was about to run off but the managers dad caught me. But we were apparently friends, so we walked through a field. Then I turned back into my self and the managers dad turned into a mix of two friends of mine. Both moved away but I still talk to them. Any ways we were walking in a field having a deep conversation, then we ended up at the gate of a market of some sort. Every thing was in a wood cabin. We walked in and we were told, no shoes, and no cats aloud. We were bare foot so we turned around. One kid came in with his dad holding a grey cat. We looked at him and said “what a chump...”. We were glared at. Then I bumped into a bunch of TV show characters. I bumped into Fin the human (from adventure time) and knocked him over. He looked depressed. He had gone through a lot apparently. I helped him up. And my friend took a picture. Then it turned into some add. It was like...”don’t eat at work!” It showed a man eating food at home. “Studies have shown that if you eat at work you’ll get unhealthy and fat!” They showed gator aid and coffee at the work table. “Eat fruits and juice at home!” It showed a guy in a work suit leaning against a water dispenser near a large window in an office building. “Remember to Y.A.T.E” Then at the end of the dream, my brain I guess made a meme with that same guy beside the water dispenser. “Yaters gonna yate” Then my dream ended. Any one want to analyze this for me?