My Cousin's Drunken Demonic Cake Face

Date: 12/5/2019

By pinkstar16121

I was at some kind of party with my ex's family that seemed to take place in my fireplace room, but my ex was not there. He was in law school for some reason?? He works in homeland security irl. His mom and his sister who I only saw once walk behind me were the only real members of his family. In the dream he also had an older brother when irl he has a younger brother and is the oldest child of three. His older brother I think was actually Evan from Atypical. I watched the last two seasons last week. In the dream I had a crush on him, and he seemed to reciprocate feelings by putting his arm around me when we went to go sit down. My ex's mom seemed upset with me. She ended up driving me home later. She explained to me that she wanted to sit with just her family. There were multiple tables at the party, and I was welcome there, but she just wanted me to sit at a different table. It was like she was telling me that to keep in mind for next time. I feel like she mentioned it twice to make sure I was clear. I felt kind of bad/guilty. I was then at this party with my family. I remember this bowl of salad that looked heavily dressed. My aunt and mom and my dad was there. There were actually a lot of people and I remember sitting on my dad's lap around this table because there was no empty seat for me to sit. I feel like I was watching some movie, like an animated movie. I think there were kids watching too, and I began to feel like it was absurd to watch things because you're not directly participating. The night ended with me watching this recording of my cousin whose face suddenly morphed into this gray demonic-looking form. Her eyes were soulless and her smile was sickening. I couldn't hear what she said, but I apprehensively watched it a couple more times and I realized she said (her name) is in Heaven. Like she was saying she's dead. It took some time, but I eventually found out my cousin had gotten drunk. I saw either some footage or just went back in time to the party where I saw this guying pouring this bottle of champagne into the salad, and I saw why it looked like it was drowning in dressing, but it wasn't dressing. Then I saw my cousin pick up the bowl and drink out of it like a cereal bowl. She took two chugs, and I realized she'd gotten drunk. Upon looking at the video again I also realized she had cake on her face and cucumbers over her eyes. After getting drunk she must have smashed her face into a cake. The cake frosting was chocolate and it actually looked like a mud mask now, and I think it was also the cucumbers on her eyes that made her look like she was at a spa. So, she definitely looked less scary now. I saw my cousin again and she reflected on what had happened. I remember only some of what happened next and just bits and pieces. I remember this girl who was this girl who goes to my school. She was a freshman and sophomore during my last years there and now she's a junior. We were in my dining room and she was talking about this song called Mad World or she said mad worlds and I didn't know what she was talking about till it dawned on me she was referring to the song by Gary Jules, which I originally heard a cover of by Adam Lambert, which is the version that came to mind just because I like Adam's version/voice better. The girl and I interlocked hands and we started singing it. After a few bars, I started harmonizing and I thought we sounded great, hoping my cousin (a different one, the sister of my above mentioned cousin) could hear us a couple rooms over. There were other people outside too a couple rooms over who I also hoped could hear us. Can you tell I'm a Leo? 😂 The next part I remember is being on this sidewalk where there was this elderly man lying dead. His son was standing over his body with regret in his voice, saying he wasn't even there to help him, although he makes breakfast for him every morning. I then looked up at the sky, which was blue with those little puffy clouds and I started thinking about how we go to Heaven and death. In the next scene I hugged my mom who I remember wearing red. We stood in our kitchen and when my mom broke the hug it felt like it was too short of a hug like it lasted only 5 seconds. I was thinking this as I was in my bathroom doing something at the washing machine. I feel like my aunt was in that part of the dream too where I was hugging my mom. That's all I remember.