the Building

Date: 11/6/2016

By ksaspo

Ok I only remember parts of my dream. Firstly, I was in a store where I ran into a stranger playing recorder. I talked about playing saxophone and "getting my start on recorder" and she was very interested in how I went to music school so I sold her on going to school for music I guess. Then I saw this girl I remember from a play I recently designed named Sarah, who was talking about something crazy about a friend of mine Josh being some type of monster? I sent him a message (like, a physical note somehow) and was like "lol heard you were gonna murder me" and he came over and we laughed about it but I had a knife just in case. Then when he got there I decided we were going to go hang out. My mother and brother were there and not happy I was leaving but I did anyway. Josh and I got to the place we were going and I was holding junk food because we were going to binge or something but I had to drop it because we were climbing up a wall. People were waiting in line and just scaling this building to get up top and I decided to walk around to the other side. When I got to the other side it was an ice cream shack thing that was baby blue and had an outside space and inside there was a bar at the window that my old old coworker from high school Reiko was sitting at. I remembered her but didn't say hi. Instead I saw Olivia and Lauren. I hugged Olivia, she walked wearing something berry uncharacteristic of her and a lot of make up. Lauren was wearing a very fuzzy line green snuggle thing? I said she felt comfortable and she laughed at me. I eventually walked back up the side of the building to find Josh. At the top of the building it was like the top of a double decker bus and hard to get to each seat. I passed some people but I don't remember finding Josh. Then it cut to a different part, but it felt like the same place just a different look. The ice cream part was now all black and had a window in the side that people were walking up to. There were a ton of people there and I saw a Thomas from the last movie I did. He was wearing his costume and I told him I would wash it for him and he was thankful and I felt bad like he had been wearing it this whole time and I hadn't been washing it.