
Date: 2/1/2023

By wahblamy

In this dream I was in my own home, which was quite large. I was on a video chat and my friend Matt Soucy could see me on it and he asked if he could stay at my house for the night. With nothing going on I said yeah for sure, he said he was downstairs at the door so I went to let him in. I go downstairs and Josh Coleman is already in the house! He just got in from his travels and is taking off his jacket and bags, he's exhausted and just need to lay down. There was another person with him but I cant really remember who. I go to the door to let Souce in and he's got a friend with him too. Suddenly I'm stressed out. Next thing I know there are a few of Matt's friends coming in and they were all related to each other from Mexico, they had a kind of gangster vibe, very intimidating. So now there are like 12 people in my house and they are all drinking and partying. I double down into hostess mode but I'm pissed, I make pork chop casserole, cakes, stew and something else in the kitchen and bring the food all around the house to feed everyone. Josh is asleep on the couch and he's the only person I actually want to be there. As I'm walking throughout the house I am enraged and everyone can tell...as I go through each room the sounds of fun turn to silence. I get the impression that the Mexican guests (which have doubled) are making fun of my cooking and I know that food made with rage does not taste as good anyways. I note that I could try to have fun but I simply can't, all these people are uninvited but I just welcome them in anyways. Everyone falls asleep and I know I'll have so many dishes to do in the morning. In the morning, I think my grandma comes in and is comforting me somehow but I am so distracted from all the dishes I have to do...I keep thinking about it. Next scene (or dream), I am at a gathering or something and Stevey is there and I don't recall ever having known them. As the dream goes on it is discovered that we actually went to high school together and I had slept with her boyfriend in high school. Apparently I was a big slut and she hated me but failed to mention that she knew me now that we were in class together. I felt embarrassed and that if I had known or remembered I would have been able to own up to everything before hand and save myself more embarrassment. The dreams here were showing me some of my worst traits; not standing up for myself, being controlling, not accepting my shortcomings and over analyzing. The end.