YouTuber (ContraPoints) takes PCP and gets arrested on Live PD

Date: 7/25/2019

By pretzeling

Really, the title says it all. I was watching a video that showed a Live PD episode where they arrested the YouTuber ContraPoints. The cops were like “yeah we’ve got a female acting erratically” and she was rolling around on the ground acting crazy and looking disheveled, yelling at the cops. She seemed drunk and also hyped up. She also had a horrible rash that the drugs had caused. She admitted to being on PCP, also known as angel dust, and there was a guy with her who was also on the drug and trying to drive away in a pick up truck. This actually may have happened outside the Space Mountain ride at Disneyland. The clip, unsurprisingly, went viral online and lots of people were commenting on it. Eventually Contrapoints uploaded it to her own channel with a statement like “Every time I have considered uploading this video, my thoughts go to really dark places. But I feel like it’s important to show the dangers of drugs to everyone... this video needs to be seen because it’s an example of what drugs will do to you.”