Daniel and Seira Dream

Date: 11/22/2017

By RaySpoll

For some reason I'm finally dreaming again but, to be honest, this dream left me so confused and horny as I woke up. I don't remember how it started...or maybe this is how it started..so abruptly. We were in my house, I recognized the living room. The couch and our tv. I had heard the doorbell ring and I was apparently really excited to get it. I knew that it would be Daniel and I also knew in the back of my mind that there was a girl that was going to be with him on the other side of the door. I also somehow knew that that girl would be his other fuck buddy. Apparently I didn't really mind that he had another female fuck buddy. I also knew that I had been his fuck buddy longer and I guess...more status and closer to him. Anyway moving on---- I opened the front door excitedly and immediately dropped smiling when I noticed that his fuck buddy looked exactly like my friend Seira (my friend Seira is drop dead gorgeous), just with longer darker hair. The dream would skip forward. Next I know, we are sitting on the couch and Daniel has one arm around me, going around my waist, and one arm around Seira, around her shoulders. Instead of watching the movie that was playing on the screen all nighy, I just fiddled with Daniels fingers from time to time. occasionally he would notice and kiss my forehead and I would smile. But every time that happened Seira would start talking to Daniel, also trying to include me probably but I would just tune her out and go back to playing with Daniels hands. Soon enough, I think Seira was getting bored with me or agitated that she finally just took over Daniel by sliding onto his lap and straddling his lap. I think...they started getting....busy ;) you know... on the couch in that position and for some reason it bothered me so I just stood up and went to the kitchen instead. Then after they were done Seira came into the kitchen to try to talk to me again. Conversation kind of went like this: Seira: "Hey, what's cooking in here?" Me: *mumbling at first* "Get Out." Seira: *not hearing me or ignoring me* "Ooo what's this..?" It was some item that Daniel gave me, it was kind of blurred out so I don't know what it was but either way it made me angry and I ripped it from her hands. Me: "Get out!" Now Daniel had joined us in the kitchen, watching me and I don't think I liked the way he was looking at me or something , thought he was pitying me or some sort of confused look. Seira: "Wtf is your problem Rachel? Just Chill--" Me: "Get out of my house!!" After screaming that at her, I think I threw them both out and and slammed the door. And my dream ended.