Chiropractor sing a longs

Date: 7/31/2019

By beewags88

I had a dream that I broke into my chiropractors house , and Kylie Jenner was there and we were talking about why we were both there, she apparently broke in too, they were out of town and then next thing I know they were home and were asking me about the wires in their computer and telling me his wife had breast cancer and that’s why they needed to know about the wires. Then I left and I was at some party, some ppl started doing like a choreographed dance and we were watching and recording and then a big fight happened and some guy was trying to kill me and I somehow put him in a box but he was still alive. Another friend I was with at the party came by and had a guy in a box but he was dead and he’s like just give it to me I’ll get rid of it and then he’s like oh he’s still alive and I’m like it’s fine you can bury him I lost a lot of the dream but this is what I remember.