The Top Floor

Date: 10/31/2016

By Sunfeather21w

There where a bunch of people there. We were all in a barn of some sort and there were three 'floors' to it. The floors were more like bars that went from one end of the barn to the other. So, me and a bunch of other girls were trying to get to the top because apparently there's something really cool up there. Everyone but me and this other girl get to the top (Everyone but me can fly for some reason). The other girl was afraid of heights or something so I was trying to convince her to go up. I eventually did and we were on the second 'floor' when I saw this weird ladder on the side of the barn. So I jumped down and I wanted to climb the ladder but for some reason, it was just out of reach to the top 'floor'. That's all I remember before I woke up.