Godzilla at the Zoo

Date: 7/2/2016

By Anarcha

[18+ for violence] So my family was hurriedly packing our bags because I think we were going on a vacation. I think there was something bad about the house though too, like it was a danger and we had to get away for a while. So that took a while for some reason; we kept going in and out of the house remembering things we needed to bring. Eventually, we were on the road. We were passing through the Cincinnati zoo, where the gorilla had recently been shot. There was a sudden rampage by this huge Godzilla-like creature. At first it seemed nice; it was smiling and it was kinda chubby and cuddly-looking. It had a light blue color I think. Suddenly though, it started attacking people. It was very bloody and gorey. I saw people running but it hit them and they went flying a bit and landed in a bloody, broken heap. It was horrible and disgusting. I remember thinking how horrible it would be for the families who had to see their loved ones get killed like that. Eventually, they shot the creature down, and it fell onto its stomach. It's spine ripped through its back and it was all beat up and bloody too. People were screaming and horrified. It was bad. I don't know why I dreamt that.