Special agent?

Date: 1/7/2018

By Mayitoxd1

So I was on a beach dressed in a tuxedo and I was a special agent. I can't remember who my partner was but he was with me. We were supposed to meet someone on the beach And this car pulled up. The guy in the driver's seat had a gun. I had various concealed weapons and the things I was know for in the agency is that I always wore cargo pants or cargo shorts as they have many pockets. My weapon of choice was dual wielding knives. I had an assisted pocket knife and a butterfly knife ( the one that people do tricks with). So when my partner saw the guy in the front seat wielding a gun he began to draw his own concealed gun but I realized that it was simply a very realistic water gun. A man was laying on the on the sand when his little girl approached me. Her eyes were stunning even though she was like three years old. I said to her: " Well you have the chubbiest cheeks in the beach, don't you?". She looked at me and said: "I know you're hitting on my mom". This caught me off guard and I simply looked at the father. He laughed and after I apologized get said there was no need for that. So then we go on with our mission and we arrive at a very crowded part of a beach and the people are laying or standing on the stand but it appears as though they form a walkway for people to pass between the two rows. We choose a girl (For some reason she is Esmeralda) and we are to tell her our plans and so we blend in. Her friend Cristian is near and we tell him to put his headphones back in. So we tell Esmeralda not to panic but that there's an agent who will murder one of the people on the beach and we are there to prevent that. Then, four people wearing regular clothes begin arguing with a guy sunbathing. The argument begins to get heated and me and my partner step in. I draw both my blades and when one of then pushes the victim I rush them and begin punching. I take out two and a third grabs me from behind but luckily my partner is there to take him out. We were ordered to not draw much blood so I simply hit then with the butt of my knife. After we take then out many people flee the beach except for Cristian and Esmeralda who are grinning from ear to ear. Esmeralda was holding all the jewelry from the crooks and I said: "Woah woah woah what are you doing? ". She laughed and gave me three gold rings with gemstones on top and I also took two very ornate pocket watches and a gold watch. I left he keep a watch though. She then asked me to take her phone number and this startled me as I was in the belief that she was dating Cristian. She replied that Cristian was gay and I said "Oh good". Cristian gave me a weird look and I just said: " My bad I didn't mean it like that". He laughed it off and Esmeralda gave me her phone number.