
Date: 8/11/2020

By cloudwitch

I have a heart condition and have been seeing my cardiologist at the same hospital since I was only a few months old. I am now 20 and from time to time I have the same dream of going to the ground floor of my hospital and it being dark and ominous and there is an entrance to a room I have always walked into. It felt like a maze very dark but few vibrant colors it always put fear in the pit of my stomach. These dreams were frequent when I was a kid but not so much anymore. Last night I dreamt of going to the ground floor again- mind you I’ve been to the ground floor but it is NOTHING like it is in my dreams. I was walking down a dark hallway the walls were a dark purple almost and there were other people walking around doing their own thing. I peeped into one room and it was a planetarium I found it interesting but proceeded. I found my boyfriend and we both decided to walk out and leave the floor. But as we exited the hallway we walked straight into a pool. It’s confusing and doesn’t make sense but I don’t know how to swim so he tries to get me to hold onto the edge of the “pool”/room but my hand slips and I start floating to the middle of this pool and am in panic mode because I am drowning. I tried swimming back and try to stay afloat but am failing miserably. My boyfriend frantically swims and grabs me bringing back to the edge where he makes sure I have a good grip and he dives back to get something I had dropped. Don’t remember much of what happened after that only that he dived and retrieved my lost item and saved me.