Date: 1/24/2021
By cesarsald
My first dream in a while that was kinda scary but not as well. What I can remember started with me and friends entering what I think was a gamestop. We reached a shelf that was massive and you had to climb in order to reach the items at the top. Me and my friends did so and we reached the top. I was gonna get something but I forgot what it was so i went back to the bottom of the shelf where I remembered. There some other man had arrived looking at the shelf. We wanted to look around so we did until I notice I am missing my wallet and phone only to realise the man has it. Me and my friends go the cashier to explain and tell them that not only my stuff but the stores items on the bottom of the shelf were also missing. So we confront the man who denies it until I see his pocket is protruding with my stuff so I take it back. Then i think i woke up but then slept again to enter another dream where I am driving with my brother in the passenger seat. I am on the highway when cops have us move to the left land of a bridge we are crossing. I keep driving casually until my car starts to plummet into a deep hole with water. Me and my brother hold our breath(although I vaguely realise I am still breathing) and swim to the top. When we reach the top we see a crowd of people and someone I recognize lecturing me about avoiding the hole even though it was the only path and the hole just appeared. In my mind I was just worried about the cost and how it would affect my family but then the dream ended and i woke up.