Digital art, In a secret military mission involving alien embryos, the protagonist injects them into herself and becomes emotionally attached to the nine surviving embryos, dreaming of keeping one, but falls seriously ill and fights to survive in a frozen ocean, desperate to find the light that she had been waiting for.

Alien embryos

Date: 3/6/2023

By MsBananaNanner

I was on a cruise, but I was sent there as part of some sort of secret military operation. I checked in to my assigned room and was really surprised how nice it was. It was on a corner and had almost three whole walls of windows. I was right at the water level, just above it, so I could watch the waves lap up against the sides. I did find it odd though that the bed was made up on the floor right next to the windows and there was a little gap at the bottom of the wall to “let in air” that would also, conveniently, let the seawater splash in and right onto the bed. There was a little walkway/balcony just on the other side of the glass and this mailman would go up and down delivering mail. The mailbox was built into the glass so he could put stuff in from outside but I could open it from inside. I was surprised to have mail my first morning but when I opened it it was just a duplicate magazine that I’d already been sent months earlier. It was covered in tons of postage and judging by the different stamps it had been lost in the mail all that time and somehow got redirected here. Later I started learning pieces of the classified mission—it wasn’t quite clear if I was supposed to know them or not. It in some way involved alien embryos that they were intending to incubate. I don’t remember what all happened to lead up to it but at some point I realized I needed to inject the embryos into myself so that I could carry them to term. I don’t know why I felt so compelled to do it but I do know I was NOT originally intended to. The other team members were furious, but there was nothing they could do. I’d loaded them into this huge syringe and jabbed them into my abdomen. I guess I just assumed they’d find their way to where they needed to be? Anyway, there were 12 embryos but only 9 of them survived. They were mostly of various species with a few duplicates. I had this printed out list of them all with their different sonogram images and I was all emotional coming up with names for them. We weren’t supposed to get attached to them since they were just meant for experiments or something, but I felt this connection to them as their mother. Secretly I liked to dream about keeping one for myself and raising it. Most of the rest is jumbled, but I remember a scene towards the end. The cruise has come to a standstill, all the ocean surrounding it has frozen solid and snow blankets everything. It’s bitterly cold outside. I’m leaning against a doorframe that leads outside. I’m watching and waiting—for something. A light? Someone comes speeding towards me on a bike (not sure if it was a bicycle or some sort of motorbike). They’re yelling at me to get inside. I’m weak and can hardly see straight. I’ve been seriously ill for awhile and while I don’t know what it is I know it must have something to do with all my alien babies I was t built to carry. My head feels a mess but I know, I just know, there’s something out there that I need to get to. I rally any energy I have and deck the person on the bike as hard as I can. They get off to drag me inside but I push them off and kick them hard in the legs. As they fall on the ice I make a mad dash to grab their bike and then speed off out into the darkness. There’s a small light, the lantern I’d been waiting for. I head straight for it and eventually arrive at this little fisherman’s hut. I can barely see, everything in me wants to pass out. I desperately hope that someone is inside to help me. No one comes to the door, but it opens when I turn the knob. There is someone there, but they’re passed out on the floor, pinned beneath some sort of wooden beam. I’m absolutely exhausted and want to do nothing more than fall on the floor in front of the fire and give up. I know I can’t. I made it this far, I can’t give up now. I drag the person out from under the beam and wrap them up in front of the fire. I find some blankets and do the same myself. The fire feels so good, so warm, and it brings a little bit of life back to me.

AI generated interpretation The dream you had is interesting and complex, and it seems to represent various aspects of your personal life and your psyche. The symbols and images in your dream can provide insight into your unconscious thoughts and emotions. The setting of the cruise represents a sense of leisure, comfort, and relaxation. However, the fact that you were there as part of a secret military operation implies that there may be hidden motivations or underlying stressors in your life that you are not fully aware of. The window by the bed that allowed seawater to splash in could signify a sense of vulnerability or exposure in your personal life. It could also suggest that you are in touch with your emotions and are open to experiencing them. The mailman delivering a duplicate magazine that you had already received may represent a sense of stagnation or repetition in your life. The alien embryos that you incubated and carried to term may symbolize a new project or idea that you are developing or nurturing. You feel emotionally attached to this project or idea and may have a desire to protect it. The frozen ocean surrounding the cruise and the bitterly cold weather could represent a sense of emotional or psychological freezing or stasis in your personal life. The fact that you were weak and ill could suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed or exhausted in your waking life. The person on the bike who came to rescue you may represent a sense of support or assistance in your life. However, the fact that you fought back and ultimately relied on yourself to make it to the fisherman's hut may suggest that you have a tendency to rely on your own resources rather than seeking help from others. Overall, your dream suggests that you may be facing hidden stressors or challenges in your life that you are not fully aware of. However, you are also in touch with your emotions and have a strong sense of determination and resilience that can help you navigate these challenges.