Human Trafficking in Asia

Date: 7/24/2018

By royallauren7

My mother and I were in some Asian country, I could tell by the people and the architecture. We went to stay somewhere and then afterwards we were gonna meet with some friend of my mother’s. We went to this building and we were guided into a courtyard and at first we thought everything was fine. Three or four people came out of the building and they began telling us how they got there. They were victims of human trafficking and were being forced into prostitution. Then we realized we were trapped in the courtyard and we both started screaming and crying but the people seemed like they were in a daze. Mother was comforting me. I tried asking them if they’d ever tried escaping but they wouldn’t respond to any negative conversation about their situation. They would just be silent and turn away with a blank expression on their face. It was so creepy! Some people in charge took us inside to meet the man who was the leader. After we met him we were taken away and drugged. After we were drugged I thought that man was my father. Every time I thought about killing him or escaping that place it brought me great pain. I remember trying so hard to think of my real father to remind myself that this other guy wasn’t my father and it was incredibly difficult and painful.