Moving day

Date: 8/26/2018

By montaukdreaming

I don’t remember much. I guess I was having a party at my house. Kieren and Erin were living next door. It was night time the other neighbors were moving in. There were cops. I went over to see if kieren wanted to come over but he was wasted and being a dick. Smiling and just being like too cool to hang with us. Pouring beer everywhere. Another part of my dream was that there were map lines drawn out all over the streets and yards. Like Latitude and longitude lines and at the end of them were arrows. And I would walk around my block trying to find out which way was absolute north but I couldn’t find it. I kept walk south. And I’d be standing on the edge of the line looking around at the other lines not knowing which way to go. I was having a convo with someone and they just kept saying this isn’t north james. It might have been my dad i can’t really remember.