Cube of truth + phone ruined by wave at beach..

Date: 9/30/2018

By BeastFromTheEast

I dreamt I was staying in Toronto in an apartment with some not real life friends but they were awsome. I felt like I finally had really good friends and we were hanging out and I could really connect with. Something not so in real life 😔 One of the friends left to go to the Anonymous For The Voiceless Cube of Truth. After he left my other friend was in his room and asked me if I’ve ever been and said I should go. I was a little scared at first mentioning I’m never confrontational. He convinces me to check it out at least, since I won’t be here a very long time and bows my only chance. He says that don’t judge people right away if they seem argumentative a lot of the times they’ll come around and be receptive to the message. Next dream. I’m at the beach and the water is pristine clear blue, so beautiful. My phone is placed just near my towel on a small lip in the sand. But the tide comes in so incrediably fast a wave toppled over right on top of my phone before I can grab it 😢 It’s only hit by half the water but is still flashing and has a frozen screen. Then the tide keeps comming and we grab our towels and head almost straight up a cliff away from shore that is about 30ft up. And the wave flows all the way up to the top. Whoever was with me complain that this is the worst time possible we could have went to the beach lol and I say the same thing.