crushed wings

Date: 6/17/2016

By carolinakai

I stood in a marsh looking out through the tall grass. I was suddenly compelled to look up at the sky. It was a dark purple color that faded into a bright orange just above the horizon where the sun was just beginning to rise in the east. I felt sad. The kind of sadness one feels when something is coming to an end. I see a crane rise from the grass in front of me. He glances behind himself then at me then spreads its wings to fly toward the sunrise/set. Saddened that the crane is leaving i close my eyes and look away. Then i see a vision. I see the crane as its being crushed and mutilated by a black energy. I can see its neck twist and contort and finally snap. The energy feels familiar and all of a sudden i realize that it was me. I realize that I did this too the crane. I open my eyes. The crane is gone but I still feel the red on my hands.