Yellow Spider

Date: 6/23/2018

By Moonstar

Awesome dream WILD induced. I am inside of the Lincoln Tunnel. There is a car stopped in the middle of the tunnel. It is a wild looking yellow and black car. I notice there is no traffic or other cars anywhere. It is quiet. This lack of activity in the tunnel causes me to ask myself if I am dreaming. I look at my hands and there is an eye that blinks at me in one of them. My pit bull Cookie appears...these two things means I am dreaming. There are two tall guys working on the car. They appear to be twins, I cannot see them in detail, they are wearing helmets. One of them calls me...Come on, let’s go! Cookie jump on the back sit and we speed out of the tunnel...the guys are laughing, we are going very, very fast, they are playing Janis Joplin really loud...when the car stars flying I wake up.