💢Spider Fly

Date: 2/28/2020

By UniqueStarque

I'm at a dinner with a bunch of people. One child gets ahold of a toy, and he does something to it. He sets it off and walks away and it begins shooting little metal pellets randomly. Everyone takes cover. As the dream progresses, I find myself alone with the child. Wondering why he did it, but also thinking he's just a child. But this child has the intelligence of a man and has evil in his heart. I'm standing in front of him and he tell me "You think I'm a butterfly, but really I'm a spider fly!" Then his face scrunched up like a beast, his teeth turn to fangs, his fingernails turn to sharp dark claws and he swiftly reaches for my eyes to scratch them out. I try to hold his arms away, not really thinking he could do it, but the last thing I remember was his success in doing so. Him reaching for my eyes with those dark claws and a wicked look on his face as he sinks his claws into my eyes. End. --------------------------------- As far as I understand this dream, I need to be careful not to underestimate something or someone. "You think I'm a butterfly but really I'm a spider fly!" I looked it up, and a spider fly is a real thing. An adult spider fly will spray it's larva on spider eggs. As larva, the spider fly will crawl into the bloodstream of baby spiders and can live in it for a long time, even extending the spiders' life. But eventually, the spider fly will eat the spider from the inside out, leaving only a hollow shell. Perhaps the child (a representation of innocence) was sweet at one point (therefore seeing him as a butterfly?), but was corrupted but evil from the inside out untill it festered and left nothing but and a shell and the evil/spider fly inside.