Date: 11/29/2016
By bananabread
The dream started when my sister, Lily, invited me to join her and her friends family to some resort that has a foreign name, of course I agreed. There was a forgettable car ride then we were in a large nice hot tub with an amazing out look over the resort, then the parents took our phones away, oddly mine was in my pocket underwater and functioned fine, I argued a bit saying I ought to text my mom telling her I won't have my phone and I constantly messed up when typing. After the giving up of my phone the hot tub kind of shifted into a large public pool for the resort, I was sitting on the edge with my feet dangling in the water, my arm around my sisters friends waist. I remember her being Indian with a large but attractive nose and glasses. Looking around I saw the two girls whom I somewhat have a thing for, J and L, just casually swimming and talking we made eye contact and I waved. After swimming I returned to the hotel style room, I could either take the elevator, ramp, or stairs which were built from the inside of an airplane, the large commercial type with a TV in every seat. I began up the stairs and soon a water bottle fell from the top, I got it and ran it back up to give it back to L who dropped it, she then dropped it again. I returned it and we were about to have a moment, gazing into each other's eyes, my best friends mom burst into the stair way with her youngest daughter screaming to watch TV in the airplane. Ruining any chance I had at achieving anything. After this I remember being in the room for some time, then I was in the hot tub again but L was there and we made casual talk and decided to eat together that night. As we left we began texting and she told me of a restaurant in the resort that her parents worked at, meet her at 4. I arrived at said place, a little upset to find it was a bread based restraint where you got a ball of dough and added things to it chipotle style, luckily they had a bowl option where the base was fermented cabbage? After getting my food I look at L and then of course my alarm went off.