Date: 9/10/2018
By delcoboss12
So, I’m pretty sure I had more of a dream before this part, but this is what I remember. I was with a girl, and 2 of my friends and my cousin. We saw this bridge that led to an entrance, my mind telling me it was a target entrance. When we got to the entrance, there was a doorway, to the left was a wall, with two square shaped protrusions. They were on top of each other, but spaced out quite a bit. At the top was my friend (there were stairs leading to the top. To the right of the entrance were stairs leading to another doorway, sunlight was shining through. I should mention that this dream is post apocalyptic, but not zombie apocalypse, just like, everybody disappeared, we’re the only ones left, type of apocalypse. Idk if I was lucid dreaming to make this decision or was that just how the dream, but I decided to try and run up the wall. All in all I think I tried to do this 7 times. The first 4 I almost made it up. But the last 3 times, I was too tired. Then I was ready to keep on exploring. So as we were walking up the steps, I woke up.