Digital art, Generate an image of a person sitting on the floor crying while a police officer and a lady stand over them, with a "vanilla fruit" in the person's hand.

Cops, Crying and Vanilla

Date: 3/25/2018

By patheticp0t

It was me and some guy. We were in the woods running around. We came up to a big log cabin that had its lights on. When we walked in everyone greeted us happily. Apparently in this dream the guy and I were very popular. As I was walking/ dancing up some stairs to do a toast with the people I slipped and fell, everyone stopped cheering and then a cop walked in, He then proceeded to call me outside to talk to me. The dream cuts and suddenly I’m hope with this cop and lady. It’s dark, the cop is yelling at me asking me why I did it. I’m in a ball on the floor arms wrapped around my knees crying. I’m asking for them to stop, for it all to stop. I wanna go back to normal. I close my red, water filled eyes, when I opened them I was still home but it was day now, it was a nice day. My bestfriend was there, two other friends came over. I then pulled a “vanilla fruit” from my pocket. It had rough black skin but when you peeled that back there was white kinda like a coconut but that wasn’t where the flavour was, if you continued to peel away the white there were black vanilla flavoured seeds that were to strong to eat alone so you then would take some of the white and a seed and eat it together. And then I woke up.