dissociation dream

Date: 6/20/2020

By sarahhowwell

i ran away from home or something, but it was cold out and i had shorts and no shoes on. i was on a path, sorta like a nature path in the woods. this man was walking a ways ahead of me. he was short and bald, wore a white t-shirt and khaki shorts. i was on my phone walking, and when i looked up he was right in front of me, stopped on the path staring at me. at this moment when i saw him i had a terrible feeling, like he was trying to snatch me away. i screamed and fell on the ground and dissociated, which was like chills all over my body, i disconnected completely. my eyesight was glitchy? and i curled into the fetal position and couldn’t breathe. he said something like “oh no, it’s not what you think. you can trust me” and he went to get his girlfriend & a blanket because i was cold. i told him i was having a panic attack. when the girlfriend came, i had a thought like, “what if this is a trap? but she’s a girl, i can trust her.” she had long red hair and pale fair skin. skinny and wearing blue jeans. this is all i remember.