Creepy gas station and hallway?

Date: 5/11/2023

By Ether_Erebus

Dream I’ve had before but this time I’m taking care of my nephew. I’m with family and friends and two girls who are like punk/rock /emo looking. We’re out somewhere and we stop to get gas or something. Something happens and everyone else says to charge the car/get gas ont his one car - so I go into the gas till inside and speak to the person, but when I go the pay at the pump isn’t working so I have to go inside and get the person to do it manually. I forget my credit card so I run back outside and see the two girls who are with us used my credit card to buy booze and things which makes me really fking mad. Then I take the credit card back and go back inside into the gas station till and the guy gives me creepy vibes. He sets my payment up and follows me out to help with the car because that electric charge port is finicky. For some reason I’m taking care of my nephew and the guy keeps coming close to my nephew. I keep moving him away from the man saying “no, keep your hands to yourself, the back, do not touch my son” and he’s in the carrier. So I just pick him up and hold in against me so he doesn’t cry or get touched by the freaky dude. There’s like a cut scene where he’s a dad and his wife/kids left him, his kids are like teenagers tweens but it comes back and he goes back into the shop thing. I’m still holding my nephew and hyper vigilant watching everyone. It’s super dark and late at night and no one is there. For some reason the electric charge on the car is super slow and I’m holding my nephew. My eyes doze off a bit and I’m still holding him in my arms and I see someone’s hand coming close to me so I slap it away, it turns out it’s my sister so I give a huge sigh of relief and grab my stuff and the car and get out with the minimal charge it has. The other two girls I have no idea where they went. Then, there’s a time jump and I’m watching from the outside in again and there’s pictures of devils and like sad drawings everywhere and the girls are walking through what looks like a high school hallway. And they blow up saying “we know we’re weird and our drawings are weird; I don’t care, I express myself how I want” and at the end of the hall a man turns the corner wearing a very well tailored suit and I don’t remember if it was red or purple but the girls turn back and scream “omg he’s back he’s back” very jubilantly and I’m pretty sure that’s the devil or something. Idk, creeped me out. And then I woke up.