Date: 2/19/2019
By Susie
I had a dream once. I was walking through a warehouse of some sort trying to find my way through. I had a feeling I owned this warehouse. I don’t know why. All of a sudden I saw a room with music playing in it. Inside was a man I seemed to know. At the time of this dream I thought it was my then boyfriend, but now I’m not so sure especially since we broke up since then. He seemed taller, and kinder. Anyways, when I saw him I looked down at the floor for some reason and realized I was really pregnant. I remember thinking, hmmm...30 weeks along. I was kinda shocked, but happy. Then he pulled me gently into the room and we slow-danced. Nothing inappropriate happened, but I just felt so safe in that moment that it was almost surreal. I haven’t had that feeling since. I never felt that way with my old boyfriend, and I guess I’m still single because I’m waiting for someone who makes me feel like that.