moms pregnant

Date: 1/18/2019

By probablymichelle

So, I’m waiting for my mom to pick me up and when she walks in she brings tons of new old crappy looking men and then her new boyfriend, who looked like Joe Dirt a little bit. She then revealed that she was 5 months pregnant with his baby and that I was getting a new half sibling. I was upset so I went upstairs but all these men were everywhere and in my room too. So, I left with my grandma to watch a movie to calm myself down. So, i actually loooovvvvvee the trolls movie, but my brains a fucking dumbass and named it Fun Run, and it was actually a whole different movie but I know it was supposed to be trolls. I got put into the movie as this pink girl thing and this blue boy and I had to complete this quest in the sky with this fat lady. We would teleport through the sky and explore the city and idk what happened within the plott? But I walked back to my house and it was already too late to go to my moms so I was angry and sad so I screamed at her while her boyfriend screamed at me. Also, I lost my shirt halfway into the dream??