Walking 11 days to a fictional foreign country and I lost my walker

Date: 12/7/2019

By pinkstar16121

The dream started out with me going on this date with a girl (I am straight). I think she was a YouTuber I follow, but she also slightly reminded me of Billie Eilish in the way she talked and acted. My mom was there too. We went out to dinner. The girl sat next to me, which I thought was odd. I wanted her to sit across from me. I don't remember much of the dinner except getting up and leaving and then the girl like pushed me and this yellow glass thing broke because I was surrounded by and trying not to sit on any pieces of glass. Then, it was like it was another day and the same thing happened and my mom was like "I can't believe she did that again!" The next part there was this 3-D projector of a world map that could be manipulated to zoom in to a specific location. There were all these fictional countries and not one real one. This guy was showing me all the places he wanted to go, one place started with a T, but I can't remember what it was called. There was this desert land I wanted to go to. I was told it would take 11 days to walk there. Apparently in my dream there was no transportation. I knew that was a crazy long time to travel, especially on foot. I remember being in my basement as I pictured myself walking in these desert plains. The best I can compare it to is Arizona Grand Canyon. Shortly after this I remember being in some public place and my walker was right beside me, but then someone was taking it. I got it back. Then, shortly after this elderly man was stealing it, but he insisted it was his. After being stubborn myself that this was, in fact, my walker, I took a closer look at it. While doing that, which was like a few minutes after the whole encounter the guy was gone and it was just the walker, and I could see it, indeed, was not mine. The handles were shaped differently with sharper edges and they were also higher up for someone taller. I was so confused how this was not my walker when I just had my walker. I tried looking for it with the help of this guy I think I was dating, but we never found it. I think my aunt and definitely my neighbor were in the dream too at one point. We were walking down this steep hill. I think my aunt was involved in something that involved food. Can't remember clearly.