Thanos and Gamora vs. Allison Hargreeves and Levi Ackerman

Date: 7/24/2019

By TempusVernum

I was part of an elite fighting squad that included Levi from Attack on titan and Allison from Umbrella Academy, and one other person. I was very new, and only just being trained. The first monster I remember fighting was this towering monstrosity made of faces. It was called the boyfriend monster as it was created of the spirits of men who had once been in love with whatever created it. The fight was scary to say the least. We were in a city and we had the ODM gear from Attack on Titan. We were each to take turns making the advancing move down the street, as the gear was a lot less versatile and harder to use than it was in the show. Levi had made his advancement and the rest of us were attached to some phone lines. While the other two fought, I began to swing and eventually made the jump to Levi's position. Everyone congratulated me, because it was a difficult move and I'd done well. I don't ever remember landing a blow on the boyfriend monster, but when we defeated it, it turned into a mushroom. The next fight was apparently against a Thanos like creature and female version of him. It took place around this dual leveled building with lots of windows. That's where Thanos was. We had this trailer that we started in. It had all our gear and weapons as well as snacks. I was eating fruit before we began. I had to lead the attack. Apparently they took turns leading, and it was my turn, despite the fact that this was my second fight. I decided we would watch Thanos's movements to see how often he went to the lower level, and then we would enter there and take him by surprise when he was upstairs. The fight was intense. Much moreso than with the boyfriend monster, as it was personal with Thanos. He could see me and speak to me and single me out, whereas the previous one had been an almost mindless behemoth. The battle was long. We switched weapons all the time to find something that worked, although they always seemed to be blunt weapons. Sometimes I would hide, if I didn't have a proper weapon, or, at one point, ODM gear, but I would always find my way out and back into the fight. One time, I was hiding under the building, in small spaces between the rubble when Thanos found me. He reached in and I scrambled desperately away, knowing that I was dead if he caught me. I remember desperately screaming for Levi, but I think it was by my own doing that I managed to get out just in the nick of time and we defeated Thanos, though I don't remember our victory well. What I do remember is swinging onto the trailer right beside Levi, grabbing him and making out with him. And I remember Allison cheering me on. Levi was a pretty good kisser too. Then the fight with what I called the female Thanos... a more apt description might be a giant Gamora. I only remember her defeat. She had me in her grasp and I was about to die, but I managed to get loose with Allison's help. Allison grappled with Gamora, holding her fast. I flew around the building to the weapons pile where our lesser mentioned fourth member gave me restraints and I picked up what I'm going to call the slapstick. The slapstick was this folded up, hard object covered in fabric. When you pushed one button, it unfurled with mindnumbing force. When you pushed the other button it folded back up. I accidently grazed Allison's hand with it at one point and she had a massive mangled bruise because of it. We got the restraints on Gamora. When Allison said tighten, they did so on their own. Tied up and unable to move, I used the slapstick on her over and over, hitting her in the face and head until I got video game style message telling me my target had been blinded. One more blow finished the job. I woke up almost immediately after that. Certainly before I got to kiss Levi again, because I would have remembered that. I went back to sleep after writing this and dreamt some more... this time, I was grappling with Thanos while the others did something. However, I had no weapons and was just biting and clawing and trying to strangle him. It wasn't working well and he was toying with me. Somehow, we beat him again.