I saved a bunch of people from a missile

Date: 9/15/2019

By ItsABlackCat

I had this dream that started where I was in the universe of Steven Universe. I was with ruby and sapphire (un-fused) and they had this huge factory. Somebody broke in and launched a missile from the factory and the missile hit a nearby festival, killing tons of people including my family. Sapphire told me I had to go back in time and stop the middle from being launched. So then I went back in time and from there, what seemed like a scene from an action movie ensued. I ran through the factory, fighting off a bunch of heavily-armed ‘bad guys’ who had broken in and were taking out the factory workers. I ran to the middle room which was hidden in between the cushions of this chair, I had to jump into the crack of the chair to get in. I jumped in and came out in this super-secret looking lab. Several times I was too slow and I ended up having to go back in time over and over again, fighting the guys over and over until I memorized what they’d do and fought them quickly enough to get to the lab before the missile launched. When I got to the lab in time there was a dude there in a black trench coat and a black detective’s hat. I couldn’t see his face, only purple glowing eyes coming from the shadowed space between his hat and coat. He had powers that I couldn’t compete with; he could make things levitate and was super strong and fast. He also knew about my time traveling. He beat me easily and launched the missile so I had to go back in time again, only this time my mission wasn’t to stop the missile: it was just to save the people. So I went to the festival where the missile would hit right away instead of fighting the bad guys. I run to the town square and then start advertising for a free movie, free popcorn, free new stuff all very far down that road! to get people to get away from the town square. Almost everyone left but a few people remained, sellers in their stalls mostly. The missile came into view and I realized what I had to do. Just before it landed I grabbed it, went back in time a few seconds before with the missile in my hand, went back for half a second to avoid the explosion then went back and moved it again back to the normal time. I did this several times, each moved back only a few seconds. I managed to avoid getting hurt too bad and what I did (in the dream) was basically split the explosion into several smaller parts, so it wasn’t nearly as bad. I got a few burns on my arms and hands from where I held the bomb but otherwise I was fine. And the town square was in pretty good shape: it was basically the equivalent of a small earthquake hitting. Nobody was hurt. I ‘teleported’ away by going forward in time a little and running away. Then I went throughout the festival and just looked for my family. While I was there I met this girl about my age. We talked, she was cute, and I remember thinking ‘I saved her life.’ Then an announcement came onto one of the TVs. It said, “You all may have noticed the missile which launched into the main square. We have found footage from security cameras of that moment when it hit, and we found this:” Then the TV showed a clip of me jumping onto the bomb and a flash of light. It looked like, on the TV, as if I had taken the blast and sacrificed myself, because I had ‘teleported’ away afterwards. The TV then showed a profile picture of my face and said, “If you see this girl’s corpse, please report it to authorities. This girl was a hero who sacrificed herself for you. Take a moment to thank her. That it all.” The message ended and I was like “oh shit” and quickly put up my hoodie, but the girl I had been talking to demanded to know what was going on. So I grabbed her hand and pulled her outside of the festival, to avoid more security cameras. Then I told her “basically I’m a time-traveler, in the future I was from the missile killed everyone. I came back to stop the missile by spreading its explosion throughout a period of time instead of letting it hit all at once.” Then the girl says “didn’t you get hurt at all?” and I respond by pulling up the sleeves of my hoodie to show her two long, bloody scabs running from below my shoulder to my fingertips underneath of my arms, from where I held the bomb. The girl gasps. Then the dream ended. But I remember the girl was really cute and also for some reason the burns didn’t hurt at all.