Date: 2/19/2019
By goldenphizzwizard
I looked out my window and saw several men running through the forest. They start chopping at trees as they run along. The trees fall toward my house. I run to tell my parents, but they’re already by the living room window watching it unfold. A large tree has fallen right by them For some reason my sibling are outside with my dog. I scream because black beetles start swarming the area. They’re so angry. I see my dog because his face is pressed against my window trying to escape the black beetles I quickly open the door to get them inside, but black beetles of all sizes squeeze in too. Large horned ones and ant sized ones. They scatter everywhere and I fear they might multiply in my home, but I decide to focus on my dog. He isn’t doing well. He vomits twice, black goo and legs. It’s like the beetles have been inside him. One of his eyes turns red and two canine teeth grow long and sharp Sometimes he doesn’t recognize me His neck tilts a lot. It was cute when I asked him questions and he gave me that confused tilted head, but now it just scares me Now his head jerks violently, almost like it’s snapping. I don’t know how his head can twist so far. When I touch him he tries to bite me, but almost playfully Finally I pick him up and take him to my family. I cry that we have to take him to the vet, that somethings not right. They say he’s fine I cry and plea until finally my dad reluctantly drives us. I’m ready to go to the car and I wake up Did my dog make it?