Date: 3/30/2019
By telescopicevolution
I had a dream I was pregnant but pregnant twice, like two separate pregnancies at once. So I delivered the first baby one day and then delivered two more the second day, I think in my hot tub. I delivered both by myself somehow. I kept forgetting I had babies so I would wrap them up to move them around since there were three but I would set them down and forget to uncover their faces so they could breathe. They were fine, it was just a strong sense of dread when I would remember I had to keep them safe and rush to find where I left them and make sure they hadn’t died. Then at some point, I was at the mall, similar to the one I used to work at. I was tired on account of literally giving birth by myself two days in a row. I realized my phone was missing and used snapmaps to try and find it. I realized someone had stolen it. That person turned out to be an old man in a wheelchair. I kept trying to get help retrieving my phone but nobody would listen to me or help me. I was getting very frustrated because I had recently given birth and shouldn’t have to deal with this so I snapped and confronted the man as he was getting on the elevator. I put one leg on his lap to stop him from moving and started yelling and smacking him for taking my phone. I realized that for passerby unaware of the situation, I was just a jerk assaulting a man in a wheelchair. Later, I went home and there were five babies instead of three. I was so overwhelmed by everything that I didn’t care anymore.