Date: 8/31/2017
By toxxicduck
I was in high school I think? It looked like a prison but I had it in my mind I was in school. I was my 25 year old self and my old high school crush Davis was there in his teenaged form and I thought "I already graduated high school! I don't need to do this again! But I can still maybe get something out of this...." so I grabbed Davis by the arm and ran to escape the prison and have Davis to myself. Then I was in a crazy looking alley way in the city. Davis was gone. It was kinda dim like it was night but still light enough to see. It was a low tunnel with apartment doors on the walls leading straight to the road of the alley. The walls were white but covered in graffiti and there were some paper decorations dangling from the ceiling. One of the dangling things were letters spelling out the word "respect" which I had to move out of my way as I made my way down the alley. The doors were all huge like I was a little kid looking at them, and inside Them I saw peoples brightly lit living rooms. They looked warm and comfy, contrast to how the cold grey alley was. But there weren't any people as far as I remember. I reached the end where I found my ex Corey outside the last door. I looked around and one of the doors led to another alley, but a normal looking one not a weird cement tunnel thing, where it was all brick and cement and I could see the sky if I looked up. There were brownstone houses there and on the steps of one were two children talking and laughing. I had a very strong sense of deja vu looking at them. Then I realized I was in a dream, thinking I had dreamed all this before. I was now on one of Portlands metro trains with Corey. Corey told me I should experiment since it's just a dream (I believe he was just voicing my thoughts). So we were going to have sex on this crowded train as a dream experiment, to see what would happen. Every time we tried to do anything, I would notice the people around us and they'd suddenly see what we were doing and talk to me and I got super distracted! I had to FOCUS on trying to have sex, reminding myself it was just a dream, or else the dream would slip into nonlucidity and random other stuff would start happening. This happened several times. One time Patrick Warburton showed up on the train briefly. We reached the end of the line which got off at a beach. It was super sunny. Corey was no longer with me. There were a bunch of people going swimming in the ocean and walking around in bathing suits. Directly ahead of me, along the beach was the opening to a river and across it I could see a cliff that had a natural tunnel under it, like the cliffs of Oregon coast mixed with California's coastal weather. I noticed two people in some bushes going at it (probably from playing Far Cry Primal) and it reminded me that that's what I was trying to do earlier. So I tried to use my lucid powers to summon Davis back to me to have sex with (which is really creepy to me because he was his old 15 year old self 😥) but instead he appeared as a transparent purple-hued ghost-like image of himself which wasn't really him. It was like I summoned a hologram. Which I then had sex with right there at the beach.