Video game

Date: 11/28/2020

By sharkey161

I was this blue haired character much like Diane from bojack horseman and i worked on this ship except i was super depressed and the entire crew tried to help me out eventually i left the ship and went to a restaurant then began a new quest that involved fighting and alien but i had done this quest before my old gym teacher was doing it now but it was still dangerous so the alien struck in waves and you had to survive all of them for the first one he blew huge gusts of wind and the second he rained deadly cherries there were some side rooms like and office and room where some people were taking a test and i went into the test room cuz i was actually in there earlier and the alien tried to open the door insisting that we were all cheating but i locked the door but then after he left mr Douglas the gym teacher made us all get out of the room cuz he also felt that was cheating but then i woke up before completing all the waves