Date: 2/24/2023
By Xiileaf
I was walking through the math/history hallway of my high school. I was walking away from the main hall when I noticed Zephyr walking the opposite direction as me. Just as I walked past, some dumbass boy with a dirty blonde bowl cut apparently verbally bullied Z (who was now crying). I noticed and stole a sideways glance in the form of a double take. The ugly, lanky bully snickered before walking away from Z. I turned back around with a glare, figuring I should ignore it. It’s not my place to stick up for someone who had two years left of high school when I had my own shit to deal with, like maintaining my own mental health. I walked a couple steps before my mind snapped and I stomped my angry self up to the bully in the navy blue long-sleeve. It wasn’t his color. I glared at the boy with piercing daggers, winding myself up to land a punch to that twat’s jaw. I didn’t quite make contact. I woke up about to hit the wall with my hand balled up in a fist.
AI generated interpretation This dream appears to be an expression of your inner desire to protect those who are being mistreated. Your strong emotions towards the bully suggest that you have a need to stand up for those who are being wronged, and feel a sense of powerlessness when you cannot do so. Even though you were unable to make contact with the bully in your dream, it is likely a reflection of your own inner strength and courage that is ready to be unleashed when faced with injustice.