Date: 7/10/2021
By Aler
The dream starts in a library. I’m trying to borrow a movie and return another. It’s closing time, so staff are turning off the lights. The movie manifests itself around me. Leaving the library, I’m flying home. It’s high effort flying, like swimming through the air. I can go over houses instead of following streets, but it’s not much faster. The city is larger and emptier than I’m used to. There’s a heavy fog. I’m not sure I’m going the right way. I go over a giant hill, round and much higher than anything else in the city. There’s a round train track on the flat top. This is a station, and a seat of government. Going down the hill, I fly over several people climbing up. They don’t notice me. Ahead of Citadel Hill, but changed. The fort is round, instead of star shaped. The noon gun cannon has been replaced with an enormous Gatling gun, several stories tall and spinning up. I know this is a more dangerous place. A friendly man throws me up the hill. At the back of the fort, I go though a door instead of continuing on. Inside, I’m confronted by a guard in an old fashioned uniform. I have to prove something by pushing a button that shows everything I’ve thrown away (???). I escape through another door and find a map of the city. I see that there’s another train track that spirals through the fort, and that my house is not on the map. The dream ends.