The Mansion of Secrets

Date: 11/18/2016

By Y0Universe

I saw the earth connected like pangea. North America was connected to Africa. It was all one big chunk. I zoomed in closer and I could see these old cities. I saw this giant mansion. It was some sort of club for elite, gentleman. I was invited to explore this mansion for one day but at the end of the day 24hrs I would need to leave, it was enormous and very elaborate. Opulence was everywhere. I stumbled into this one room with many books, it looked like a study. There were men watch animals from all over the world fight each other. 2 jaguars where leashed near one another and forced to fight each other in a sand pit. Then the clock struck a certain hour and I was handed a nice garment, maybe it was a robe, and they said we hope you decide to be a member. Then a bunch of zombie type people came into the room, they looked pretty normal but they walked silly and had knives, they were attacking all the non-members and driving them out. Somehow I discovered that if I closed one of my eyes, they weren't able to see me, I was invisible to them. I had my right eye closed for most of the dream, but I may have traded sides. Then I began explore all the secret rooms in the mansion. There were walls with secret doors and hidden vaults that contained old books. Then I woke up.