Rob Whisman DM’d me back

Date: 10/8/2019

By madeofmold

This is of an archetype of dreams I have that are semi-realistic and mundane enough in their impact to be credible as having actually happened. Backstory, I follow this guy on twitter and he’s been working his way up out of a difficult situation & I very much admire his commitment and the insights he posts that he’s learned/realized along the way. I sent a DM once (over 2 months ago) after a particularly impactful tweet/set of tweets he posted (don’t remember specifics). Just a general “you’re inspiring in your commitment, glad to see you fight , good luck, we’re rooting for you dude” etc etc kinda thing. So. I dreamed that he DM’d me back. I “woke up” and checked my phone and there was a notification that he’d replied to me (I don’t have notifs on IRL) but I didn’t open it right then. I think I checked the weather.