Date: 9/14/2017
By abby234523
I was in school and we were taking an exam of some sort. I remembered I had a talent show to perform for. I hadn't even picked a song. I was completely unprepared! Then the exam came around and I finished early so my teacher let me go rehearse for my performance. I was in Palencia Elementary School's auditorium ( idrky bc I'm in 8th grade now ) . The guy I like name was Brad ( not real name ). His friends picked we up and mad me lean on their hands or something. I was I like what are you doing. ( I was leaning like this | \ | I was slanted and the were standing around me) They said we are holding you. Who is gonna catch me when I fall (My crush came up and walked up the stairs) I am supposed to ig (For some weird reason I swooned) He picked me up I was leaning in his hands. You know how they do it in the movies. ( / / ) <----- it looked like that. He was holding me by my waist. I remember reading something in Episode where the people take in all of their facial features. Take in a moment to realize and memorize every feeling you had. That you couldn't dare to forget how you felt in that moment.... it was one of those kind of things. As I looked into his deep blue eyes, I soon realized it wasn't him. It was as if it was a different version or like him when he was older. But at that moment.... I didn't really care. I was just glad it was him. ( I know I'm making the moment seem like it was weird or doesn't make sense or anything but, in that moment I didn't really know how to feel. I was just there and it was glorious). Any ways, we talked a bit like a few sentences. For some reason, I just started laughing crying. Why are you crying? I don't know... I'm just so happy with you in this moment... I think in my head after the dream was over, I remember my self saying I like you back and he said will you go out with me When he asked me that I started crying afterwards. It was a kind of happy crying. It was as if I was waiting for him to do this my my whole life. As if he proposed to me and we have been dating for real. It was magical, even spiritual...!! -- Then my dream skips over -- I was on my way to school I was gonna start walking through the park. This girl starts sing just the way you are to me. I don't really understand why. I realized I forgot my backpack. Later on I keep forgetting shoes and folders, binders and stuff for school. By the time I FINALLY have everything, the girl is gone and I go to school and everything is normal.. THE END