Feb28 2018

Date: 2/28/2018

By justbcwhatever

From what I remember it started off regular. There was some drama going on between me and some other student. Because she stole something from the school store that I ran. So I have handling things with the teacher and before I knew it there were shots being fired right behind me. The chemistry teacher that I was talking to in front of my eyes ran away . Then when I turn around I see about three cops battling two black boys w guns so I remember seeing an opened door with light but I ran to the back where there were portapotty like things that I had to push through and hit behind what looks like folded up bleachers. I was waiting there not for long when the shooting stopped and I hear them looking for kids. And I hear a kid begging before he gets shot. I hear rustling into the portapottys and they find me. And there were three guys and there was one without a gun which was my ex. And in the dream he was my boyfriend. The gunkid looks at him and he says go ahead just kill her. My heart dropped to my stomach just like it did when I heard the firsts gunshots. He shot me but I survived. For some reason they kept a select few kids that they’ve shot but survived. They held them captive. Left the building and hid in plain sight. We went to an old park where something personal of theirs was buried under a constructive sight and while they worked on it we moved around. I don’t know how no one noticed the gunshot wound I had and I remember in the dream I am given an angry white dog with a blind eye and was told it was max(my actual dog) it was a sick joke bc in the dream he had just died. The kids made me take them home. In the dream I lived in my grandmothers apartment wo my cousins and my immediate family. They’re over for what seems to be a couple hours. And I remember I went to the kitchen and noticed thee were in the other side of the door. I locked it and when they noticed I unlocked it and pretended I didn’t know who locked it. I didn’t want to risk them coming back here and harming my family if they survived. So this is when I’m sitting with them and I’m texting my sister that there was a school shooting and that I’m with the gun men and pretend to have something important to do,, go outside and call the police. I woke up and my heart rate was elevated