Last Day of Term, Skiing and Lost Phone

Date: 4/13/2018

By picho

It was the last day of term. The major thing that everyone was focused on was the skiing that was going on out the front of the school. It happened after a form class period. I had been in computer science, and needed to use my phone to check the date. I was sitting in the back corner. I checked it, then I put it away, and we left the class as usual. A short while later, I tried to take my phone out my pocket and it wasn't there. I panicked a little bit, because I don't trust the people in my school lmao, but also because it was the last day of term for the summer. This is where the kind of weird part comes in. I found my friend and asked her to come and find it with me. She told me that the skiing was going to start soon and we had to be there, since it was a whole school event. I agreed with that and didn't intent to spend ages looking for it, but I had to find it. We went up the stairs, which is a hecking lot of effort, and didn't find it. Somehow, I pull my phone out of my pocket (!) and go on Instagram, searching the hashtag #(myschoolinitials)lostphone. A few results from other people came up but not what I needed. I made a post somewhere about my phone, but instead of talking about my phone it was my eyes?? I described it as "Lost, blue, somewhere upstairs". Weird lmfao. We went back downstairs in defeat. I went to my form class, which is where we weren't meant to be before the skiing. Some people at my usual table of friends had an empty glue stick filled with circles of card with things written on. I thought they were the location of my phone, so I asked if I could see it. I asked again, being ignored. Then I got an answer that made no sense, so I reached to try and get it. Turns out it was some weird activity, you know the ones that don't really make sense that they gave you in like middle school and high school? Sorting bits of paper into most important order? It seemed like one of those, and I believe it was to do with business management. I asked my teacher if I could leave to find it, and she thanked me for something. I left to go back up the stairs (I love in dreams that you don't get out of breath from exercise. So many steps, man, so many steps), and went straight to the computer science room. I looked in the corner where I had sat, and my phone was sitting face down on a little bundle of cables. Somehow, I had the phone case, but I definitely hadn't felt it. After this we headed down to the skiing. I don't remember walking there or getting prepared, only that there was some kind of barrier at the bottom (made from only some posts and that plastic tape, like police tape), then an even steeper slope. We got to the bottom, and one person went straight through the barrier, and kept going, falling down that slope. The skiing was pretty fun, I remember falling at the very end of the slope though, before that barrier. But it was a fun fall lmao.