Shot in the Wrist

Date: 5/13/2019

By Leanna25k

Me and my family we’re going out to eat. Seated in the car, I asked them what restaurant we were going to. We were close to it already, so right after I said that, my dad parked in the parking lot. He turned around from the drivers seat and told me where we were and I typically despise the place we went to. I said I didn’t want to go there and I’d rather go anywhere else, but in the middle of speaking, my dad saw a man walking very close to the car, so he rolled down the window and asked him to step away. I know he was there because I could see his shadow getting bigger, so I turned around as he pulled out a gun aimed at the back of my seat. I was scared and uncertain of the situation, so I just turned back to use the seat to cover me if that’s even possible. At this point my dad is freaking out and the man fires. I could feel it at my wrists. Except, the strange and uncomfortable feeling was coming from my vibrating Fitbit on my wrist telling me to wake up, so I woke up thinking I was getting shot in the wrist several times.