Object of the warehouse

Date: 5/24/2022

By cesarsald

At some point I end up in this giant warehouse with the only occupant being someone i know or my brother(im not sure so ill call them the person). This warehouse had many items some of which were dangerous. I somehow knew of the most dangerous thing as I slightly remember a past dream where I had been here(in a dream a long time ago that I hadn't recorded). I had wanted the person to show me the most dangerous object. The object was behind 2 doors until we came upon a sealed room the person had quickly opened the door and i saw inside the little boy with small blood streaks on the walls of the room. We then closed the door and all others on the way to the main room. We stayed in the main room talking for a bit but i either don't remember the rest or had woken up before the dream finished. It was here that I remembered more of the past dream of the object in the same warehouse where it had freed itself. The boy was originally a black floating blob and the dangerous part was that it could morph into anything(I think limited to creatures not sure) and disguise itself perfectly. In the past dream I came with a group of people where we visited the warehouse for an unknown reason. I remember the door being opened and being unsure of what it meant. Then I remember talking to certain people of the group normally and the next second them wanting to kill me. I had run and hid but the object morphed into whatever and would always find me. At some point the object had even turned into a triceratops somehow and had been chasing me down the main room. There was more that occurred but I wasn't able to remember in time before i forgot it.