Nap images (half awake)

Date: 12/20/2019

By xCaligo

This is written down from more of a day dream or half awake cat nap thing I took during a free period at school. They are both basically just images that popped into my head, but they were both strange and very vivid. The first is this front yard full of white mannequins. This is similar to that one house on 32nd with a horse statue in the front yard except this was just a house with probably thirty to forty mannequins posed at all angles. Its as if someone flocked someones house but in a much creepier way. The next one involves where I was napping. There was a concrete wall that my head was leaned against as I napped and I somehow immagined it falling back wards and opening up to a hilltop by the ocean, on kind of a grass covered dune. I then got another view of this hole in the wall this time looking in and it was just an empty archway that in the middle you could see the spot where I was lying but from the outside of the arch there was no sign that there was any room through the arch. All that was visible was more beach and ocean scenery, as if I had just opened some kind of portal.