Digital art, As Itadori and Lauren, the secret 4th member of the 1st year batch of kids at JuJutsu High, reunite in a mysterious domain carnival where time behaves strangely, they rally a group of curse users to play a cursed game in order to bring down the domain and save everyone trapped inside.

Cursed Carnival 🎡

Date: 8/15/2023

By LaurenTheFierce

So I dreamt that I was a bit younger, like high school age, and in the show/anime JJK. Additionally, like how Yuta is the secret 4th member of the second year batch of kids, I was the secret 4th member of the 1st year batch of kids at JuJutsu High. This made the group even, gender wise, cause there was Nobora & I as girls, and Megumi & Itadori as boys. Either way though, we were all inseparable. The group and I were best friends; especially Itadori & I who got along very well. One day, our teacher/instructor, Gojo, told us that there was this huge mission we all had to go on alongside every other curse user in the region. He didn’t tell us much else though. Instead, we all just showed up in front of this massive carnival, and got separated into groups of other curse users. This left me friendless among a group where I knew absolutely nobody. As the other groups were then sent off into the forest of tents, my group was held back till last. So, in the meantime, I tried to make friends. However, no matter what approach I tried, everyone kept their distance; figuratively & literally. It creeped me out. That said, as soon as my group was released into the carnival, I left them to find people that I knew, and that wouldn’t have a problem with collaborating with me. Searching from tent to tent, I eventually found my irl friends Jasmyn & Natalie. We were so psyched to see each other. After all, we’re best friends, and ones that got separated because of school. Now with our reunion though, we could hangout like old times for a bit. So, we sat down, ate some crackers they’d found, and chatted. As we talked, a revelation was made. Apparently Jasmyn & Natalie both felt like they’d already spent an entire week in the carnival. Meanwhile, it’d only been a day for me. This meant that something was up. Especially since each group was only sent in up to an hour after the previous group. Suddenly, a light bulb then went off in my head. The carnival itself was a domain! Wait though, if this is a domain, why’d they send so many of us in? Another lightbulb then went off in my head. This many people might be the only way to disrupt a domain this big and this well put together. Regardless, I now wondered how many other people had come to this same conclusion. Almost instantaneously, I then felt compelled to find Itadori specifically. So, I asked my friends if they’d seen him. Before properly answering me though, they teased me, asking if I wanted to find him because I liked him or something. I then made this face in response: 😐. That said, they finally proceeded to tell me that they saw him in the first tent by the carnival’s entrance. Rushing off, I now made my way towards my destination. Soon, I then reached the tent and proceeded to enter it. Bumping directly into Itadori as he was leaving the tent though, we collided into each other before falling back onto our asses. “Lauren?” “Itadori!” The two of us then shot back up onto our feet and hugged each other. “What happened to your group?” “Let’s just say they didn’t like me.” “I don’t think mine does either to be honest.” “Really, but you’re so likable & friendly?” “Thanks
” “—How long have you been in this domain?” “Two weeks? Why? I mean, haven’t we all been here for that long? WAIT DOMAIN?!?” “Yeah, domain. I’ve only been in here for a day.” “WHAT?!? ONE DAY?!? How’d you figure things out that quickly?” “Easy. I talked to people in another group. Now come on, I need you to help me bring this domain down.” That said, I pulled Itadori off to another tent where we were presented with a table. It had these papers, cards, and dice on it for a weird table top game. What was even weirder though was the fact that it reeked of cursed energy. Perfect for bringing the carnival down! All we needed now was the maximum amount of players. So, together, Itadori & I awaited for more & more people to show up, till eventually, we had everyone we needed. From there, we all then bravely played this cursed game which definitely included death. This was okay though, for my cursed technique was a reverse cursed technique. This basically allowed me to heal & save people; so long as I didn’t die. With all that said, these strangers, alongside Itadori & I, abused the game to output maximum levels of cursed energy. So, by the time the game was over, the carnival had crumbled away. We’d saved the day!