Great Wolf Lodge?

Date: 7/23/2019

By TheMeaningOfRecit

This dream started with me, my sister Jaycee, and my cousin Shania at a different version of the Great Wolf Lodge. We were at a giant area in this building. This giant area had a wooden playground-like place floating in midair. You can reach it with two wooden elevators exposed without any doors, connected to one rope. Somehow though, these elevators defy physics and do not pull each other using the rope. They can be controlled separately with 4 buttons. 1 is the ground, and 2-4 is the floating place, because it had 3 stories. When the elevator moves, the rope moves with it, even though both elevators defy physics. Jaycee, Shania and I decide to go on this place, and got on the wooden elevator. It was very small though, and there was only room for 5 people (revealed later in the dream). We pushed the 3, and went to the second floor of the thing. This place was like a floating wooden obstacle course, and you must get to the end. There was stuff like seesaws, ropes that you swing on, and other stuff, but I can't remember what they were. The first obstacle was a seesaw, and you must get from one side to the other. When we did that, we got on the next platform, then the scene switches. Now, we was at a different area. It was a hallway, and one of the walls was a series of prison cells. This was the jail area of the lodge. These cells were completely white, had a white bed, and the bars were turquoise laser-like things. My friend Brandon was in the first one, and we was standing in front of it. Brandon asked us to break him out. Then one of us (I don't remember which) made a blue hologram appear in front of themself. This hologram was a 2D circle with symbols inside going around the edge. They kept clicking at squares inside the circle, and the squares kept changing. After a while, the scene changed. Now I was in the cell, and Brandon was gone. After I realized this, I pulled up the same hologram and did the same thing. Eventually, the laser bars deactivated and I was free, so I walked out to Jaycee and Shania. Then I wanted to know why I got arrested, so we decided to "find the police officer who did it." After that, the scene switched again. This time, we was at some place outside at night. I didn't know what was around us, but ahead of us was a trashy, small trailer with the lights on from its one window. There were also a wall of very thick and tall weeds, which the trailer was halfway in. There was also a very narrow trail that goes in the weeds. We was still trying to find the cop, so we followed the trail. It was so narrow, you couldn't walk normally without the weeds touching you. After a while of following this trail, we made it to a new area. There was still weeds on the right side, but on the left was a giant flat cornfield. Also, the trail was wider now. We went on down the trail. Eventually, we found something standing in the cornfield. It looked like the Grim Reaper, but it was blue instead of black and had no weapon. Inside of the hood looked like an MS Paint version of a random guy with blonde hair looking down. It was just standing there, doing nothing else. I immediately knew that it was a clone of the Grim Reaper, but I said nothing about it. We continued on, and passed the clone, which didn't do anything the whole time. As we went ahead, we found 3 more clones. 2 of them was far away, but one was near the trail. I also immediately knew that the blue one from earlier was a lot bigger than other clones. The other clones were different colors too. The one near the trail was red, and the other 2 were green and purple. Unlike the blue one, you couldn't see the face of these ones. That's when I spoke up and said, "These are rainbow clones of the Grim Reaper." Jaycee and Shania didn't hear me, so I said, "Did you hear me? These are colored clones." Jaycee just said "Oh." Then the clones started to move in closer towards us. I started to run on the trail back to where we were. I passed the blue one, who still didn't move. When I got to the trailer, it was no longer the clones who were chasing me. Now, it was a bunch of random people. For some reason, I thought they were all prostitutes, and now they were right behind me, and I kept running. The 2 people closest to me were both fat and had the same pink shirt on. That's all I knew. After I reached the trailer where we started, the scene switched again. I was now at the beginning of the bowling building in my town on the sidewalk. I was still running from the people. I was able to lose them when I got on the narrow sidewalk and passed the turn from there. Now they couldn't see me. That's when I pulled out my phone and called Jaycee and Shania, but the phone was off the whole time. I asked them where they were, but there was no answer, so I hung up. Then I crossed the road to the street. When I got there, two tall guys came near me. One of them had a black shirt and jeans, and the other one had an orange shirt. The black shirt came up to me and asked, "True or Flue?" I replied, "About what?" He said, "You." Then I said, "True bro" and fist pumped him while he said, "Yeaaa." Then I walked down the street. After a few seconds of this, the scene switched yet again. This time, Jaycee, Shania, and I were back at the alternate lodge, but I was back exactly where we ended here: on the 2nd floor of the obstacle course. I was planning to go on the 3rd floor, so I went back towards the elevator, but before I could, 3 kids ran past me and to the elevator first. Then I went in, and then there was a random woman behind me. She went in there too. It was too crowded in the elevator. Since the buttons were down low, I had to crouch. I asked where they're going, and one of the kids said 1. So I pushed 1, and when we got there, the kids got off, but the woman was still there. I asked her where she's going. I don't remember what she said next, but it wasn't a number, then she got off. Even though I was planning to go on 4, I got off anyway and met Jaycee and Shania. We all went to another part of the lodge. This area had 3 different pools: the first one was the biggest, and was shaped like a rounded square. It was shallow, but not too much. The bottom had white tiles and the cracks were turquoise. There was also a big water fountain in the middle of the pool. You can enter this pool using the stairs near the corner of it. The second one was a tiny circle, and I could tell it was a hot tub. The final one was against the wall ahead of me. It was almost as big as the first one and was shaped like a D. The wall that it's near has a gigantic window that takes up most of the wall. Before the first pool was some sort of stage with robot animals on it, but they were turned off. I don't remember details though. We all wanted to go swimming, so we went in the shallow pool. Even though it was too shallow to swim, we managed to do it anyway. After a while of swimming underwater, we all stood up, and found out that my friend Allie was standing in the pool, but she wasn't there before. However, this Allie is not like the original, which you will find out later. This version does not have freckles or glasses, and was wearing a maroon shirt and black shorts. This version was also a little bit taller than Allie. I forgot what she said after that, but it was a lot of sentences, and she was talking about how she wants to take over the world. When she gets done talking, the scene switches once again. We was at the same area, but out of the pool. Evil Allie was gone, but this time, Tristan, my other friend, was with us. He said that he'll defeat Evil Allie. Then he went in front of the stage and called out something, but I forgot what he said. Then the stage and around it turned foggy, and after that, white, light green, and turquoise lights above the stage turned on and was shining in the fog. Then, the front of the stage platform opened like a sliding door, and a lot of people in silver robes with hoods came out and started to attack Tristan, while he was fighting back. The inside of these robes were maroon. For some reason, Beth was one of these people. While this was happening, I commented that this was like the pep rally at my middle school that happened. Then I explained why. Basically, the honor society made a very short play for the school. It was a fake fight between Tristan and Allie, because it represented my town vs. another. In this dream, it was the same two people in a battle. While they were fighting in the dream, we ran away from the scene, and that is how the dream ends.