
Date: 4/14/2021

By AraceliM

There were so many trampolines everywhere in an open area. It might have been in between the hills as you can see them if you look up. I jump and when the trampoline bounces me up I fly so high, enough to make multiple flips. I jumped high and flipped and land on the trampoline next to me. It was so exhilarating and fun so I keep going. In my dream I was questioning why I was able to jump so high in my mind and at that moment I knew it was a dream and so I accept it and I continue. There were so many people doing the same thing. The joy and competition was definitely in the air as we all look at each others tricks. The end. In my waking life before going to sleep I was reflecting on how I needed more motivation and energy to just do the mondain things off life.