Anxious to Kiss You +Bathrooms

Date: 12/31/2022

By Xiileaf

My family had supposedly been on a trip with me and were renting some sort of small cottage-y thing for whatever reason. The cottage was fairly dark inside as it was seemingly late. All of the light we had came from small candles belonging to each of us, and a large TV that was probably playing The Big Bang Theory because that’s our go-to background entertainment. There was no sound so we could hear each other properly. This cottage was two stories, but it was fairly small. It was reminiscent of my mom’s irl house, where there was a small living room with a couple windows by where the front door would be, and a small kitchen. My mom’s room was located around where it is in real life, but it was much smaller and there as a TINY bathroom to the right of her supposed bedroom door. I wasn’t able to observe any stairs, but there was a way to get to the second floor somehow. The upstairs was actually pretty big and wouldn’t have fit in the lower floor realistically. Hell, you couldn’t even tell there was an upper floor from the outside of the dreary cottage. It was bonus room-like in manner, having finished carpets, probably a custom, light wood, and swoopy pool table. There were some three or four rooms here, so nearly everyone could stay (if one room was to bunk two people given the 5 present in the dream). They were all furnished nicely, unlike the ground floor. We were doing some sort of play, where we each were sat around one of those plastic foldable tables used at parties for reading/acting off our parts. My mom, sibling, myself and apparently an old uncle or grandfather of sorts (that was not connected in real life) was present, all of us gathered in the dark downstairs area. Somehow, Tom was there too; apparently our vacation cottage was just a couple miles away from our irl house, so it was within driving distance of my friends and the hicktown we had to visit nearly every day. My family, Tom, and I were to read off said parts daily. We may have been practicing for something, but I don’t know for sure. Everything went smoothly the first day. I was sitting next to my sibling and across from Tom though, so o was kind of missing sitting next to him like normie friends do. We were forced to read our parts and participate, so there wasn’t any time for me to stare at him and enjoy his presence as I normally would have liked to. It was time to turn in when we were done. My mom, Zephyr, and the unknown old uncle turned in for the night. As my mom was going into her room, she kind of angrily told me that I needed to go to sleep too, which meant taking Tom home and going straight to sleep. Logic is fucked is in dreams, so I didn’t drive Tom home before going to sleep, but he was back at his house when it was time to pick him up the next day. The day after the first reading, it was time to go again. I had picked up Tom and we were eager to hang out, but my mom had put us to work. For some reason, we, and everyone else, was to make sure the furniture in the upstairs area was secured in case of a tornado and cleaned as to not infect us with whatever crazy space dust the last visitors had left. Everything was basically spotless. It was fine to read. We sat in the same spots as yesterday and did our thing. There seemed to be no difference in performance today as we were all pretty good with reading aloud (even though I’m not great at it irl). I was getting antsy. I wanted to hang out with Tom without my family dictating what we could and could not do. The whole point was to have fun, and I could tell we were both miserable. Tom had been making much more eye contact with me while we were reading this time, and I could tell he wasn’t enjoying anything about it. It was more like torcher. I, myself, was more physically antsy, rhythmically tapping my fingers on the red tablecloth-covered table or constantly moving my legs a little bit. It was time for Tom to go home. Some words may have been exchanged once my family had left to go to sleep, but I could have also gotten the gist by the way he looked at me. If I were him, I could have just stayed home, but he was willing to come over one more time. I grabbed his hand and looked down at the ground, fixing my fingers to sit awkwardly interlaced with his and stepping close enough to grab a fistful of his jacket and resting my head on his chest. If tomorrow didn’t go well, I’m running off with him back to my dad’s house. The third day had arrived. Everything went relatively the same, which was disheartening. The same words, the same tones of voice (plus or minus some gusto), and the same outcome. Time to make my escape. My mom, Zephyr, and the mystery uncle had retreated into their respective rooms and the moment they were gone, Tom had come around the table towards me, grabbed me lightly by the jawline, and began to aggressively kiss me like he was never going to see me again. I could feel the familiar twinge in my chest and reciprocated immediately, my eyes drooping to a close and my hand lightly grabbing at his hair and the other grabbing a fistful of his jacked near his waist. I could feel his warm, wet tongue against mine, and the twinge only grew stronger. The frenzy continued for a good couple of seconds and our desperation for each other only got stronger. I had to pull away for a breath and looked away from him as I normally do, putting my forehead to his chest like last time. I wanted to hug him so bad, but I decided on placing one hand at his hip and the other trailing down his clothed back, only, somehow my hand had gone through him and I was delicately running my hand down my own chest (how I didn’t become lucid here, I don’t know). If we were to get out of here, we’d need to do so quickly. I told Tom to hang on a moment; I’d just use the restroom, grab my shit, and we’d be scot free. He waited patiently by the table while I walked towards the tiny bathroom next to my mom’s room. I opened the half-as-large-as-usual door to find one of those small, fat-looking toilets basically right up against the door. I walked in and there was barely any room to turn around, but it was able to do it and get the door closed. Once the door was closed, I turned around again and found that the room multiplied in size by a significant number and there were now three toilets placed randomly in the room with no sink and an extra bed to the left. It was creepy, just as all my bathroom dreams. I walked up to each toilet and observed it, debating which one to use. I decided to stick with the initial toilet and began to use it. It probably want the best choice, but who would have known, since I had an unending supply of bodily fluids to remove. I sat there awkwardly, trying to piss faster. Finally, after a good 30 seconds or something, I was ready to get the bell out of that creepy room. I flushed the toilet that was now near overflowing and booked it out of the bathroom after washing my hands at the sinks that randomly appeared towards the back of the room. The toilet flushing and the running of sink water probably woke my mom up, so I ran as fast as I could to grab my already packed shit up in my room, and then go down through the magically appeared stairs to the living room area. As I was running down the stairs, I heard my mom’s door open and one look at me with my backpack and shoes on, she knew what I was doing. I ran as fast as I could and booked it through the front door as I grabbed and held Tom’s hand. I could hear my mom screaming at us to get back inside, but there was no way I’d let that happen. I ran so my car and fumbled with the keys for a moment and successfully got Tom and I inside right before she was to attempt an attack.

AI generated interpretation This dream reflects your desire to have more freedom and independence in your relationships, as well as a desire to express your affection more openly. The family trip and the reading are symbolic of the obligations you feel in your relationships, while the upstairs and the bathrooms are symbolic of the freedom and intimacy that you crave. The symbolic escape with Tom also represents your longing for more freedom, as well as your willingness to take risks and put yourself in uncomfortable situations to get what you want.